Inspire Speaking
and conquer the
Guinness World record holder.
Youngest summit Annapurna I without O2.
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Inspire Speaking


Gaining a deeper understanding of how women break world records in mountaineering and the physiological challenges they often encounter while climbing not only enables them to achieve personal goals but also surpasses what others may consider impossible. Through facing numerous challenges, women are inspired and empowered to overcome obstacles and achieve new heights in mountaineering.

Grace 是一位經驗豐富的登山家,她在登山過程中遇到了無數的困難,但她從未放棄達成常期和短期目標的決心。Grace 熱衷於分享自己的經驗,並透過演講傳達她在登山路上經歷的挑戰和成功,啟發聽眾學習永不放棄的精神。


Grace is an experienced mountaineer who has faced countless challenges during her climbs, but she has never given up on achieving her long-term and short-term goals. Grace is passionate about sharing her experiences and uses speaking engagements to convey the challenges and successes she has faced on her mountaineering journey, inspiring her audience to learn the spirit of never giving up.

The content of Grace’s speeches is very flexible and can be tailored to different audiences. Her speeches can inspire individual growth as well as strengthen the cohesion of corporate teams. By sharing her experiences of overcoming difficulties on her mountaineering journey, Grace can help her audience deeply understand that a firm determination and perseverance in the face of challenges are the keys to success.


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