世界第八高峰 馬納斯魯峰 Manaslu

還記得上個月在巴基斯坦攀登G1加舒布魯一峰,登頂日前遇到暴雪,全身濕透、頭痛欲裂的我因為窗口期僅僅幾小時無法好好休息,當時已經是20天內連續第四座無氧八千米巨峰,身體與心理皆已來到極限…這時我的夥伴尼馬問了我ㄧ句要用氧嗎?我當下馬上說「用氧?Of course not!這不是我現階段的選擇!」語畢,我們都驚訝著凝視著彼此數秒,回過神我才意識到:對於攀登純粹的信念,早已在ㄧ次次挑戰中,漸漸內化在我的腦海裡,不知不覺中,引領著我往未知的挑戰邁進。

Do you remember last month when I climbed G1, the highest peak of the Gasherbrum I range in Pakistan? Just before the summit day, we encountered a blizzard and I was completely soaked and suffering from a splitting headache. Due to a narrow weather window of only a few hours, I couldn’t rest properly. It was already the fourth oxygen-less 8,000-meter peak I had climbed within 20 days, and both my physical and mental limits were already pushed to the brink. At that moment, my teammate Nima asked me, “Do you want to use oxygen?” Immediately, I responded, “Use oxygen? Of course not! It’s not my choice at this stage!” After that, we both stared at each other in surprise for a few seconds. It wasn’t until later that I realized that my pure belief in climbing had gradually become internalized in my mind through each challenge. Unconsciously, it has led me towards unknown challenges.

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