cooperate GATN



我們意識到符合環境的服裝裝備的是在戶外快速移動與舒適的重要要素, 產品的重要性並不僅僅停留在設計上,科技日益進步,新材質的選擇也更加重要。GATN與世界領先的面料零件供應商合作,設計出新的尖端材料,突破技術、設備和配件的界限,開發最輕、卻堅固、最實用的材質。

離開了文明城市的保護,當你走進叢林、沙漠、極地、高山、水域,眺望黑暗並挑戰未知,思考前方的地形時。 究竟會用什麼樣的心情去面對?   



GATN is a brand that works closely with professionals and special forces to design and release lightweight outdoor clothing and equipment that can withstand various harsh environments, and continuously tests and develops the latest cutting-edge materials. These products have been used by extreme athletes and explorers around the world, and have been successfully applied in the most challenging environments. GATN’s philosophy is to broaden horizons, overcome obstacles, and never give up on progress.

GATN means...

品牌意義 : G A T N象徵著人類意志的力量,代表著人類運用自由的精神,透過自主選擇戰勝環境的限制,並勇往直前地探索未知的領域。我們將融合科技與人類文明的智慧,為未來創造出更美好的世界。

G A T N represents the power of human will, symbolizing the human spirit’s ability to overcome limitations by exercising freedom of choice and courageously explore the unknown. We combine the wisdom of technology and human civilization to create a better world for the future.

1. Galaxy 銀河(未來 Future)

G A T N品牌深受銀河系的啟發,象徵著對未來的探索和開拓精神。銀河是宇宙中最遼闊的空間,代表無限的可能性和未知的冒險。我們致力於超越現有的界限,引領人類邁向未來的最遠邊界。

Inspired by the galaxy, G A T N symbolizes the spirit of exploration and pioneering for the future. The galaxy represents infinite possibilities and uncharted adventures in the universe. We are dedicated to pushing beyond existing boundaries and leading humanity to the farthest frontiers of the future.

2. Astronaut 太空人(科技 Technology)

G A T N品牌將科技視為實現人類抵達太空的關鍵。太空人是科技與人類勇氣的化身,代表著人類在探索宇宙時的極限突破。回顧尤里·加加林於1961年進入太空的歷史時刻,這象徵著人類對科技的傑出成就。我們致力於推動科技的進步,啟發更多人成為太空探索的先驅。

G A T N sees technology as the key to human achievements in space. Astronauts embody the fusion of technology and human bravery, representing humanity’s limit-breaking pursuit of exploring the cosmos. Reflecting on Yuri Gagarin’s historic journey into space in 1961, it signifies a remarkable milestone in human technological advancements. We strive to drive technological progress and inspire more individuals to become pioneers in space exploration.

3. Τιτάν泰坦(人類文明 Human Civilization)

G A T N品牌受到古希臘文明的啟發,希臘文明是人類文明史上一個極其重要的里程碑。古希臘的思想、藝術和政治體制影響了整個西方文明。我們將泰坦視為象徵人類文明興盛的力量,將古希臘的智慧與現代科技結合,為人類創造更具價值和意義的未來。

Inspired by ancient Greek civilization, G A T N recognizes its significance as a pivotal era in human history. Greek civilization profoundly influenced Western civilization through its philosophy, art, and political systems. We regard Titans as a symbol of human civilization’s flourishing power, blending ancient Greek wisdom with modern technology to shape a future of greater value and meaning for humanity.

4. Neptune 海王星(意志 Willpower)

G A T N品牌以海王星為象徵,象徵著人類意志的堅定和毅力。海王星是太陽系中距離太陽最遠的行星,而它的名字來自於希臘神話中的海神波塞頓。波塞頓的三叉戟象徵著他的統治力量和掌控海洋的能力。我們鼓勵人們發揮內心的意志,克服困難,如同波塞頓一樣,達到自己的目標。

G A T N draws inspiration from Neptune, representing the strength and resilience of human willpower. Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun in the solar system and derives its name from the Greek mythological god of the sea, Poseidon. Poseidon’s trident symbolizes his dominion and control over the oceans. We encourage individuals to tap into their inner willpower, overcome challenges, and, like Poseidon, achieve their goals.

透過品牌G A T N,我們呼籲人們發揮自己的意志力,超越自我,不斷追求進步和創新。我們相信,藉由結合科技、探索精神和人類文明的智慧,我們可以開創出一個更美好、更有希望的未來。讓我們攜手共同邁向G A T N的世界,共同實現人類的夢想和意志。

Through the G A T N brand, we call upon individuals to harness their willpower, surpass themselves, and relentlessly pursue progress and innovation. We believe that by merging technology, the spirit of exploration, and the wisdom of human civilization, we can create a future that is brighter and filled with hope. Let us join hands and embark on the journey to the world of G A T N, together realizing the dreams and will of humanity.

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