
世界之巔 聖母峰Everest 的絕美風景撼動人心,而這海拔上徹骨寒風也同樣令人刻骨銘心,呼吸是最奢侈的事-登頂後感恩如願看到日初、世界第四高峰洛子峰與第五高峰馬卡魯峰,頂峰另ㄧ側則是西藏。下撤才是考驗,在如此陡坡滑墜與在這樣的海拔失溫到失去意識是最常見的,好幾次其實自己也都是和意志力拉扯…

The stunning scenery atop the world’s highest peak is breathtaking, and the bone-chilling wind at this altitude is equally unforgettable. Breathing is a luxury – gratitude floods the senses upon reaching the summit and witnessing the sunrise, as well as views of the world’s fourth-highest peak, Lhotse, and fifth-highest peak, Makalu, while Tibet looms on the other side. The real challenge, however, is the descent. Sliding down such steep slopes and experiencing hypothermia and loss of consciousness at this altitude are common occurrences. Several times, it was a battle of willpower for me as well.

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