非洲最高峰 吉力馬札羅山 Kilimanjaro

吉力馬札羅山(Mount Kilimanjaro)是世界上最高的火山,其中央火山錐呼魯峰(Uhuru Peak,又稱Kibo)。在最後一日半夜向頂峰前進,從深夜11點開始在低溫-10度、高海拔5000米的環境中持續攀爬,穿越延續的火山礫石堆和逐漸稀薄的氧氣,一路攀升海拔1145公尺,多次疲憊到幾乎失去知覺的「魔鬼之路」,最終到達5700米的頂峰,迎接壯麗的雲海和非洲之巔的日出。最後的100米中,幾乎失去意識地依靠著僅存的意志力走到著名的黃牌地標前,此時的呼吸深刻而令人難忘。

Mount Kilimanjaro is the world’s highest volcano, with its central volcanic cone known as Uhuru Peak (also called Kibo). Climbers embark on their final ascent towards the summit on the last day, starting at 11 p.m. in the freezing cold temperatures of -10°C and an altitude of 5,000 meters. They traverse a continuous path of volcanic rocks and gradually thinning oxygen, climbing 1,145 meters to the top, through several instances of exhaustion that nearly lead to unconsciousness, on the so-called “devil’s path”. Upon reaching the summit at 5,700 meters, climbers are greeted with a magnificent sea of clouds and the sunrise over the peak of Africa. In the last 100 meters of the climb, climbers almost lose consciousness and rely solely on their willpower to reach the famous yellow signpost. The breath taken at this moment is profound and unforgettable.

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