
凌晨12:40開始攀登,氣溫零下10度,戴上頭燈、穿上厚重雙重靴從基地營開始攀登,穿越4,050m路線周圍的斜坡包含大裂縫的Diesel Hu、4550m-4700Pashtuhova岩石,與5000m開始的7段繫繩斜坡段,由於前一日才抵達俄羅斯與內陸段轉機、在時差、飛行疲累與急升海拔下,伴隨輕微頭暈..終於抵達歐洲最高峰5642 公尺


Summit Day
We began the climb at 12:40 am, with a temperature of -10 degrees Celsius. Equipped with headlamps and heavy double boots, we started our ascent from the base camp. We crossed the sloping terrain around the 4,050m route, including the gaping chasm of Diesel Hu, the Pashtuhova rocks from 4,550m-4,700m, and the seven sections of rope-tied slopes that began at 5,000m. Due to the previous day’s arrival from Russia and the inland transfer, we experienced slight dizziness caused by the time difference, fatigue from the flight, and the sudden change in altitude. Finally, we reached the summit of Europe’s highest peak, Mount Elbrus, at 5,642 meters.
On the way back, we were captivated by the stunning mountain ranges of Georgia. We deliberately slowed down our descent, not wanting to leave such a breathtaking view behind. We chatted with our guide along the way, discussing the next mountain we wanted to climb. We returned directly from the summit to the base camp and then descended to the flat ground. We were grateful for the opportunity to experience the awe-inspiring scenery.

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